• September 5th, 2022 – Scientific meeting of the DUST-FORM project

Agenda of the meeting:

    • 14:00 Opening
    • 14.05 – 14:15 Gheorghe Dinescu, INFLPR – Scientific Challenges of the DUST-FORM project
    • 14:15 – 15:45 – WP1, WP2, WP3 – Presentations and Discussions
      • WP1: Nicolas Fedorczak, IRFM, CEA – Edge plasma integrated modeling with impurity and dust transport
      • WP2: Khaled Hassouni, LSPM, CNRS, Sorbonne Universite – Dust particle production kinetics through plasma/surface interaction under edge plasma conditions
      • WP3: Experimental investigation of tungsten and beryllium dust particles production
        • Cecile Arnas, PIIIM CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université – Examples of dust/nanoparticles produced in the WEST tokamak
        • Tomy Acsente, INFLPR – W dust synthesis by sputtering and gas aggregation in variable H2/Ar mixtures
        • Mihaela Morar, INFLPR – W particle production under high energy laser deposition in various gaseous atmospheres
        • Corneliu Porosnicu, INFLPR – Research Activities and Capabilities within the Be Facility at INFLPR. Upgrade for Nanoparticle Production by Laser Experiments
        • Alexandra Palla-Papavlu, Laser Department, INFLPR – First attempts at Be particle production via high energy laser ablation
        • Bogdana Mitu, INFLPR – Plasma diagnostics during W nanoparticle synthesis by magnetron sputtering
    • 15:45 – 16: 00 – Final discussion and Concluding remarks


  • July 26th 2022 – Meeting after 6 months from the project start


    • Project work plan and Task agreement revisited – G. Dinescu ;
    • Midterm evaluation and criteria – G. Dinescu;
    • Decide on Mid-Term evaluation presentation structure (number of slides on workpackage) and deadlines – free discussion;
    • Work in progress, critical issue or delays after the 6-month project period – free discussion;
    • Publications, conferences, exchanges – free discussion;
    • Agreement for next meeting (preferable “in presence” in Bucharest, depending on the situation) in late autumn.


  • January 3rd 2022 – Signature of the contract by the IAP 
  • October 1st 2021 – project kick-off meeting