Coordinator: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Romania (project director G. Dinescu)

Lab: Low temperature plasma and Laser departments

Institution: INFLPR

Website :,

Partner expertise :

    • Development of plasma and laser based set-ups for nanoparticle and dust synthesis
    • Magnetron sputtering gas aggregation
    • Pulsed laser ablation
    • Be facility

Partner rôle in the Project:

    • W nanoparticles by MS-GAS technique in various gases relevant to fusion.
    • Be nanoparticle and dust formation by high-powered laser ablation.


Lab: Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux (Process and Material Sciences Laboratory)

Institution: CNRS-Universite Sorbonne, Paris Nord

Website :

Partner expertise :

    • Non-equilibrium plasmas and discharge physics
    • Modelling of reactive flow
    • Nucleation processes in reactive media and non-equilibrium plasmas
    • Aerosol dynamics in non-equilibrium plasmas
    • Material processing with non-equilibrium plasma

Partner rôle in the Project:

    • Theorical study of solid particle nucleation in ITER condition
    • Analysis of the different scenario that could lead to solid particle nucleation
    • Development of a numerical model for particle nucleation either from liquid dropplet or sputtered species from W and Be wall.
Lab: IRFM/SPPF (Service de Physique des Plasmas de Fusion)/GECF

Institution: CEA, IRFM (Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique -IRFM- CEA, Institute for Magnetic Fusion Research , Cadarache)

Website :

Partner expertise:

    • Tokamaks
    • Plasma wall interaction
    • Turbulent transport & transport barriers
    • Impurity sources, etc.
    • experiments and control of power and particle exhaust in tokamaks.

Partner rôle in the Project:

    • Define, find & analyze experimental conditions in WEST experiments for dust formation
    • Collection and analysis of particles from the WEST tokamak. Dust Sampling on WEST
    • Guide modelling activities.
Lab: Physics of the Interactions of Ions and Molecules (Physics of the Interactions of Ions and Molecules)

Institution: CNRS (UMR 7345 PIIM), & Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France



Partner expertise :

    • Tungsten thin films and particles
    • Material characterization
    • Plasma wall interaction

Partner rôle in the Project:

    • Research on dust and particle production
    • dust particle formation by high-z seed driven enhanced sputtering.